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7 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Become A Super Affiliate Marketer
 by: Anthony Chambers

John is a typical working guy in his early 40's. He works a middle-management job but his prospects for career advancement are slim. Meanwhile, even with his wife working, it is getting harder to make financial ends meet each month. There's always so much month left at the end of the money.

John needs to do something...but What? He cannot afford to quit his job but with two teenagers, a toddler, a wife, and an ailing mother to take care of can he afford to keep it?

If the above describes you or someone you know, you have just discovered the number one reason to become a Super Affiliate Marketer.


John is not alone. Thousands of people are turning to the Internet to supplement their income. Affiliate marketing looks like the vehicle of choice for many of these people. But why?

Read on and you'll discover not just why...but why you cannot afford to delay becoming an Super Affiliate Marketer.

Affiliate Marketing means selling other Peoples' products or services for a commission. Typically, You are paid a commission for each sale, or even for each sale made by someone you recruited to do the same.

A Super Affiliate Marketer though is the Super Star of All Affiliate Marketers. He or She Knows more, sells more, makes more money, and is usually in the top 15% of all Affiliate Marketers worldwide! The Super affiliate Marketer typically earns above-average income which is typically Above US$100,000 per year.

Lets get to it then.

What are the 7 compelling reasons why you should become not just an affiliate marketer but a Super Affiliate Marketer?

1. You'll Make More Money:

This is easy to guess. People do it for the money...but don't stop there. Money is just a medium of exchange, so it is not as simple as that. More specifically, more money represents more freedom, more choices.

More money represents a bigger house, a better college, a longer and more fulfilling vacation, nicer clothes, more charity donations, better food, ADSL Internet connections, not just dial-up.

You get the picture. More money represents what you can do with more disposable income...and that lies at the heart of the the matter. That's what people mean when they say "It pays to learn". Once you learn how to become an affiliate marketer, you will undoubtedly earn more money.

2. You'll increase your Skill Set:

If you've done a typical job (blue collar or white collar) for over five years, it is very likely that you have stopped increasing your skill set. It means you are not learning anything new.

Online Affiliate Marketing is dynamic. There are always new technology, new breakthroughs, new ways to reach more people and sell them. These represent new skill sets to master and profit from.

Over time, you will become a very skillful and adaptable Marketer and those skills will become invaluable to you.

Terms such as website monetization, Search engine optimization, PPC marketing, Sales copy, and Adwords, will quickly become integral parts of your necessary vocabulary. I once heard Jim Rohm say something like this.

"The market will reward you appropriately for what you bring to the table and the more value you bring, the more you will be rewarded".

That's what separates knowledgeable affiliate marketers from tire-kicking, online surfers, KNOWLEDGE.

3. You Can Finally Fire Your Boss.

Let's face it. For some of us, our jobs represent an enigma. We hate it, but we need it. Of course when that happens, it also means that it will become very challenging to excel in in that job, and give your best each day.

My advise!

Learn all you can about Affiliate marketing, as quickly as you can then GET OUT!

If you are doing a job you hate, it is unlikely that things will get better. That entrepreneurial streak in you won't die. Don't keep fighting it!

Affiliate Marketing allows you to become an Entrepreneur and that means NO BOSS! If this strikes a cord in you, then by all means, make the sacrifice you need to make, spend the time you need to spend to learn Affiliate Marketing from a reputable Source.

You will be glad you did...eventually anyway. The first six months out on your own will be rough...but there is a specific time to make the move. Don't just get up and quit your job next Monday morning.

Not too long from now though, when you starting earning cheques, your confidence will grow.

Soon your glee over your email notifications of " Congratulations! You've made another sale" will give way to solid confidence with growing monthly cheques from several sources.

Then, my friend, your life will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.

4. You Will Be Able To Really Help People.

I've found that successful marketers are typically very friendly and helpful. Their confidence in what know and have achieved makes them less defensive and more open to people.

If this sounds strange, just wait till you become a successful Marketer. You'll be hopping into forums to help newbies at the drop of a hat.

Remember the A-Team with Mr. T and those guys. That blue-eyed guy, what’s his line at the end of each show? I remember! Here it is: " I love it when a plan comes together"


Sorry if you are under 25, you can't relate, but the idea is this. When you help people and you see them go out and become Successful you take a certain pride in their success, because some of the credit belongs to you, whether they publicly acknowledge it or not.

You get your rush from helping them succeed.

Now, that won't happen right if you are a student, but just wait. As your knowledge grows so will your confidence and your ability and willingness to help. This can happen in any field of course, not just Affiliate Marketing, but then why not?

You have a worldwide audience of millions of students online that will need your help.

Besides, imagine your profound pleasure when your favourite marketing student from the Fiji volunteers to give you a personal one-week tour of the country during your next vacation. All the other tourists will indeed eat their hearts out!

5. You Don't Have To Create Your Own Products

Since affiliate marketing means selling other people's products for a commission, it also means that you really don't have to create the products or service yourself. You just have to find creative ways of helping to sell them.

Sounds simple, and it is. Don't worry about things you don't have to. I sell programmes I like but I stopped writing software codes longer than I care to reveal. Today, I don't know zilch about writing software and I don't want to. I hate it! But I love marketing!.

Affiliate marketing allows you to do what you like best and do it well. That's how you rise to the top of any field. You MUST LOVE IT!

Now, even though you don't create the product, you really should try to use the product before you sell it. That will always put you in the position of an expert and people love to buy from experts who are helpful.

So, since you don't have to make the product you sell, you'll find a huge list of them waiting for you to sell. Choose the best and get going. Just get some good training first, so you'll know what you are doing.

Once you have the skill set of a Super Affiliate Marketer, you can apply those skills to any product you truly believe in.

Imagine the possibilities?

6. You'll Enjoy Super Star Status:

Ok! You may be looking for fortune...but not necessarily "fame" too, right?

Just be sure you don't mind a little fame too. You've heard of the Late Corey Rudl. You heard of Marlon Sanders, Terry Dean, Dr. Joe Vitale, Mark Joyner, and Willie Crawford.

Who are these guys? They are online Super Affiliate Marketers. Some of whom have gone on to create their own products and that is just a short list.

But you get the drift. Becoming well known in marketing circles is a natural progression. You won't be able to stop that. But thankfully, you won't attract stalkers either. Those kinds seem reserved for movie stars and singers.

Seriously though, as you help people, they will begin to tell others. Then they'll recommend your site, your articles, e-books, and they may even start to quote you.

People will just talk about you. Pretty soon they'll be coming to you for tele-conference calls, and asking you to speak at $4500 per seat ,live events. Be prepared to travel my friend!

You get the picture. Fame will just follow you especially in online marketing circles. When it happens, just remember that Anthony Chambers told you so!


Ah! The sound of those two words. Isn't that what we all dream of and work for? It means many things to many people. For me it means this:

Never having a boss, and owning enough income-generating assets to create a positive monthly cash flow that allows me to live debt-free.

Now that's quite a mouthful, but you can pick out the salient points.

No Debts...Affiliate Marketing done right, will help you achieve that.

Positive Cash flow...getting 10 - 15 chegues each month can do that to a man or woman.

Assets: The foundation of will just happen.

Super Affiliate Marketers can earn between $100,000 - US$1M a year! Some earn a lot more than that! Shouldn't you be in this field?

I'm pretty confident that if you become an affiliate marketer, with diligent work you will become a successful Once that happens you will become financially free as well.

Again, it's just a natural progression.

I think I've come to the end of this article. Now, I know there are more than 7 reasons to do Affiliate Marketing, but I really would like you to read my next article when it comes why risk boring you?

Take care,


Anthony Chambers is an affiliate marketer and writer. You may Contact him at:


About The Author

Anthony Chambers is an IT Manager and part-time affiliate marketer and writer. He has been online for over 7 years and is involved in several online business ventures. Anthony loves to help people who are working their way to financial security throught their online ventures.





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