Driskill Hotel - a Haunting
Experience In Austin Texas
Caterina Christakos
Driskill Hotel Austin Texas
This halloween I decided to fly to Austin
Texas to hang out with some friends of mine.
As a tribute to this mask clad holiday, we
decided to stay at the Driskill Hotel, right
off of 6th street. We had been told that it is
one of the most haunted hotels in the United
States,with at least 4 resident ghossts.
When we arrived the staff was amazingly
nice and helpful. We requested our ghostly
room and were given a room in the historical
part of the hotel.
The rooms were neat and clean and the
bathrooms beautifully laid out with gleaming
black tile. The bathtub/shower was quirky, as
the door didn't slide but instead opened
outward. Western style pictures adorned the
walls and made you feel as if you had stepped
back in time.
We quickly changed and went out to 6th
street where a parade of Halloween
schoolgirls, vampires and dark angels roamed
the streets. On our way out we partook of the
free Halloween snacks that the hotel was
offering. The clubs and restaurants were
filled with revelry, fine food and cold
refreshing libations. The music was awesome,as
well, with every flavor of music that you can
We returned to our room much later to find
chocolate mints on our pillows, and the covers
turned down.
There were no ghosts that night but the
delightful memory of this hotel's hospitality
will haunt our memories for years to come.